Sunday, September 29, 2024

General Conference Prep

 Hey! I looked into things to do during General Conference so that I could give some things to the youth today and I wanted to share what I found/made!

I made General Conference bingo for each of them using this website and a list of options that I partially came up with and partially got ideas for online.

This is how I made mine:

First, delete B I N G O, give your cards a title,
and label the free space if you want

Click "Paste in a list of words" to add a list of
the categories that you want

I put Gospel of Jesus Christ as the
center space because it's a given
Specify how many cards you want to have generated,
unclick "include call list" and
click "show bingo title" if you want the card to say
General Conference Bingo at the top
Then hit download or print. I doesn't really matter which you choose, either way it will download a PDF with the bingo cards. They'll be randomized so no two cards are the same.

I let the youth pick which categories they wanted on their cards and downloaded individualized 1 off bingo cards, but you can also do a bunch at once with all the same categories, just mixed up.

In the list of options that I linked above, there's also an activity sheet where you color in the ties of each speaker and write down their name and the theme of their talk. You can pretty easily make the tie into a dress if needed by adding sleeves to the top of the tie. I counted about 32 speakers in last Conference and there are 15 ties to a page, so if you print 2 pages, you'll be close enough probably.

This link takes you to some General Conference Activities on the church website, which also has bingo!

Finally, I wanted to share something that I've done in preparation of many a General Conference since my mission.

Grab a notecard/sticky note.

Then close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting across from Heavenly Father. It's just the two of you, no one else.

Now think of a question that you would ask Him, with the knowledge that He will answer you and you will be able to hear it.

Keep thinking about that as you watch this video and then come back to this post when it's over.

Write down your question on your sticky note/notecard. 

Now every day from now until Conference, ask Heavenly Father that question when you pray. Ponder the question. 

If you do this and then sincerely listen to General Conference this coming weekend, you will receive an answer to your question. 

I've done this many times over the past decade or so, and received answers when I have diligently prayed and listened.

I believe in personal revelation. I believe that you can receive the answers that you seek as you listen to the inspired messaged in Conference. Someone doesn't have to say it directly for you receive it. I have many notes in my study journals about things completely unrelated to what the speaker was talking about because, for some reason, the train of thought was spurred by one little thing that they said, or just a thought that came to me out of the blue.

I hope that you are able to feel of God's love for you this weekend and know that He knows you as an individual.

Happy Conference everyone!

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